Thursday, May 31, 2012

15 Items; 15 Days

Hey everyone!

Oh my goodness, I haven't posted in like a week! *horror and screams*

Anyway, I have some exciting news. I'm participating in the 15 Items 15 Days challenge at Ashley's blog, Bramblewood Fashion! Basically, you pick out 15 items, and you use them to create 15 different outfits for the next fifteen days. Necklaces, camis, and other accesorries don't count (but shoes do!) This should be super fun! It starts tomorrow - but there's still time to join!

Anyway, I've picked out my fifteen items, so here they are!

As well as these, I have a super cute khaki skirt, a ruffled jean skirt, and some jean shorts. Didn't get good pics of them, though. :-(

I also decided to get rid of the creamy yellow shirt, so I have room for an emergency item!

I'm so looking forward to this, and I hope you'll join me! Thank you Ashley!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, I'm having some probs with the pics I took that I posted up on my blog. I had to take them off, but hopefully, after some twiddling, I'll be able to post them back up! Sorry about that...:-(

Hey everybody!

I have amazing news....


I am in official thrilldom. I've been eagerly awaiting the summer, and it's finally here! I'm planning on taking pictures, going on bike rides, swimming...lots of fun things!

What are your plans for this summer?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I ♥ Thursday

Good morning! The end of school is almost here; I can barely contain the excitement!!!

Anyway, right now I'm participating in: I ♥ Thursday! run by Ashley over at It's a really cool blog - you should check it out!

So, the rules are:
1. Be sure to have I ♥ Thursday in your post title.
2. Have the button in your post.
3. Share anything that you are loving right now. Tutorials, fashion, crafts, music, movies, recipes, quotes, what ever.
4. Have fun!
So, right now I am loving...
This really cool video I made! Enjoy!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sing all ye lands...

for I have found my camera battery charger! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Now, I should finally be able to take pics and post them...once the battery is charged.

So, question; what should I take pics of? Hmmm...if you have an idea, please comment below! (I love comments!)

Look to see some pics today!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To all you Bono fans out there...

Hey everyone!

Now, I'm not really a fan of Bono (please, don't shoot me Bono fans!), but my little bro is. So, for those who have heard that song that goes "I can't live with or without you" here is a diagram my mom found on facebook. Enjoy!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Dr. Fearless Falls In Love!!!

I was trying to think about what to post up on my blog...and I thought I'd share about our three-person theater. My sister, her friend, and me made up this weird Doctor (don't ask me what he practices!) who has all of these unfortunate mishaps. Sometime I should video tape it and show you...except that the video camera is STILL. NOT. WORKING. :-(

See you later!

P.S. Just couldn't help posting this up again! Really ridiculous picture!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hola Amigos!

Just thought I'd share this picture of my dad that I took! Isn't he handsome?
Have a good day!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Okay, okay, I cut my blogiday short...

...because I just couldn't stay away!!! (Plus, I had to wish all mothers Happy Mother's Day! Can you blame me? LOL!!!)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Anastasia has taken down her closed sign, and opened up her shop again (or should I say, her blog.)

I just wanted to tell all you mothers out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! We are so blessed to have you all!

And just to show that we care;

You moms are awesome!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

I feel the need for...

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to say goodbye for a little while. We're having some stressful events over here, and I need a break. I'm going to be coming back, though, in about a week, or sooner, so keep checking!

Thanks for being so understanding, and see you soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My attempt to post pics...

I love photography. Give me a camera, Adobe Photoshop, and a tripod, and I will have tons of fun!!!


Your camera is out of juice;

You can't find your battery charger:

And your computer's not accepting Adobe Photoshop, and the servers are busy for the next 2 hours!!!!

So, if you're wondering "Why isn't she posting pics she took herself?" that's why. The photography world doesn't like me today... :-(

Anyway, I do want to get myself a new camera (mine is a point-and-shoot. Nice...but I want to upgrade.) Any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks a lot!

P.S. I love comments!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Post Yet Again...

My beautiful, sweet, old black labrador
How can anyone resist that face?

My dog is about 10 years old, and the sweetest dog ever. She sleeps, eats, and tries to follow her life's dream; to eat the mailman.

Yes, about the only time she is active is when the mail lady drops off our mail - YUMMY!!!

Just thought that I'd share a bit about my dog!!!

Did I ever mention...

Did I ever mention that I make hair flowers? *gasp* *scream* *shocked murmuring*

Yes, there's no need to fall over (LOL!!!), I actually have a crafty side of me!!! Actually, one of my favorite things to do is make crafts. (Speaking of which, if I ever find my camera battery charger, I should take some pics!)

Flower making is a lot of fun, and I actually run a small business at my ballet studio. I enjoy making the flowers, and the ballet girls always look so pretty in them! Here are some flowers that I have taken pictures of:

Elegant Blue

Pretty In Pink

A Taste of Spring

Victorian Brown

The 70's Look
(Don't quote me on that though - I mix up the 1900's rather badly sometimes)
I don't always like making the flowers - especially when they go up in smoke! (Yes, you can burn singed flowers if your not carefull...)

I've never set the house on fire, so don't worry. :-)

Sometime, I should set up a tutorial for you guys...look out for that!!!

P.S. I really like posting on my blog, so look out for a ton more posts! (I already have several ideas...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh, Someone Please SAVE MEEEE!!!!!!

Calling all wonderful blog readers! (I don't know if there are that many, though...*sad sigh*)


My Star Wars crazed bros:

And, they are torturing their poor sister (me) by making her wear a STAR WARS t-shirt. Help poor Princess Leia!!!

By the way, my mom's going to make me do a STAR WARS photoshoot. ARGH!!! Actually, it should be funny, so I'll post up some pictures later...(after my bros have stopped laughing their heads off and trying to kill me with plastic lightsabers...)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fun Books

Hola, mi amigas y amigos!

I just turned fifteen two days ago!

*applause* *cheers* *happy birthday song*

Turning fifteen has opened a new world for me in the way of books. I got to read the first book of the Cheney Duvall series, The Stars for a Light. (Technically, that's not because I turned fifteen, but because my friend was super nice and lent it to me.) It is a really good book, even if they get one Catholic belief wrong. (If you get the impression that Catholics aren't allowed to read the Bible, that was just an error on the book writers' part. My family reads it a lot!) I couldn't put this book down! (I even wanted to read it in the shower, but that didn't work out...) My mom had to almost drag me away from it to bring me back to the real world! But there's a whole series, and both me and my friend are desperate to get our hands on it! If you know where we can buy these at a good price, let me know...(-:

I also am reading the first book of the Love Comes Softly series, which, so far, is really good! I'm enjoying it a lot. My BFF gave it to me for my b-day, along with a really heartwarming card. (This year, we've known each other for about 8 years!!! Loooooooonnnnngggg time.....)

I'll probably share some more of my new book collection tomorrow...until then, God Bless You!